Note: The following list is in reverse chronological order and the links to copies do not work.
EPS Tracking Number | Project Name | Address | Application Date | Decision Date | Status | Nature of Variance Request |
05-14-1901 | MLS Developing Property | 1927 Hill Avenue, Baltimore, 21234 | December 5, 2014 | | Pending | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact 991 square feet of the Forest Buffer for the purpose of installing a playground. |
05-14-1893 | Catherine Rupprecht Property | 9625 Oakdale Avenue | November 6, 2014 | | Pending | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 of the Baltimore County Code Forest Conservation Law was received to remove four specimen trees to construct a three-lot residential subdivision. |
05-14-1892 | Townes at Gunpowder Falls | 10101 Harford Road | October 31, 2014 | November 20, 2014 | Approved (PDF) | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 of the Baltimore County Code Forest Conservation Law was received to remove two specimen trees to construct a residential townhouse community. |
05-14-1866 | 101 York | 101 York Road | September 9, 2014 | October 7, 2014 | Approved (PDF) | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 of the Baltimore County Forest Conservation Code of the Baltimore County Code was received to remove 1 specimen tree to construct a commercial building with student housing. |
05-14-1867 | 101 York | 101 York Road | September 9, 2014 | October 24, 2014 | Approved (PDF) | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-3-106 of the Baltimore County Forest Buffer Code was received to impact approximately 1.2 acres of Forest Buffer for the development of a commercial building with student housing. |
05-14-1850 | Colonial Pipeline Company | Baltimore County Maryland | July 22, 2014 | | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct or disturb approximately 22,361 square feet of land area. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet, there will be no net increase in impervious area. |
05-14-1825 | Dumbarton Middle School | 300 Dumbarton Road | May 14, 2014 | May 16, 2014 | Approved | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 of the Baltimore County Code Forest Conservation Law was approved to remove nine specimen trees to construct additions and a parking lot for an existing public school. |
05-14-1823 | TEM Homes, Inc. | 8700 Cowenton Avenue | May 8, 2014 | May 16, 2014 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was approved to construct or disturb approximately 871 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-14-1811 | Perry Hall Baptist Church | 3919 Schroeder Avenue | April 8, 2014 | May 22, 2014 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was approved to disturb 112,000 square feet of area to construct an athletic field. There is no existing or proposed impervious area. | |
05-14-1805 | Walgreens Store Number 15691 | 8000 Loch Raven Blvd | April 14, 2014 | April 28, 2014 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was approved to construct or disturb approximately 17,424 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-14-1800 | Carneyland | 9600 Block, Harford Rd | April 15, 2014 | | Pending | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact approximately 9,500 square feet of Forest Buffer including approximately 4,120 square feet of forested non-tidal wetland, and to reduce the 35 foot principal structure setback to the Forest Buffer for the development of a two lot residential subdivision. |
05-14-1794 | Blackmon Property | 9832 Magledt Road | January 23, 2014 | April 22, 2014 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was approved to construct approximately 5,338 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-14-1754 | Blackmon Property | 9832 Magledt Road | January 15, 2014 | | Approved | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 of the Baltimore County Code was received to reduce the 35-foot primary structure setback from the Forest Buffer to twenty feet for the purpose of a three lot subdivision. |
05-14-1793 | BMW of Towson, Maserati Dealership | 700 Kenilworth Drive | March 27, 2014 | April 9, 2014 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was for redevelopment of this site. There is 33,740 square feet of impervious area within the limit of disturbance, which would require removing or treating 16,870 square feet of impervious area. This project will remove 870 square feet of impervious area, which leaves 16,000 square feet to be addressed by a fee in lieu. |
05-14-1774 | Soukup Park Arena | 4905 Joppa Road | February 25, 2014 | February 27, 2014 | Approved | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to reduce the principal building setback from 25 to 15 feet from an existing forest buffer for a proposed sports arena on county parkland. |
05-14-1752 | Carneyland | Parcel 1197, Lots 9-11, 18-31, Harford Road | January 15, 2014 | | Denied | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact approximately 10,730 square feet of Forest Buffer including approximately 3,240 square feet of non-tidal wetland, and to reduce the 35-foot principal structure setback to the Forest Buffer on one of the lots for the development of a two-lot residential subdivision. |
05-13-1740 | Ridgely Manor Park | 1612-1624 Yakona Road | December 18, 2013 | December 20, 2013 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to remove six specimen trees for the construction of a park, sidewalks, gazebo, and playground. |
05-13-1738 | Hornago Avenue Sewer Extension | Hornago Avenue | December 16, 2013 | December 18, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct or disturb approximately 40,080 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet, there will be no net increase in impervious area. |
05-13-1734 | Cornerstone Medical | 11263 Philadelphia Road | October 25, 2013 | December 18, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 15,702 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-13-1725 | Lolly Lane | 5020 Lolly Lane | November 14, 2013 | December 9, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 1,998 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-13-1704 | Carneyland | Parcel 1197, Lots 9-11, 18-31, Harford Road | September 10, 2013 | October 15, 2013 | Denied | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact approximately 19,300 square feet of Forest Buffer including approximately 4,230 square feet of nontidal wetland, and to reduce the 35-foot principal structure setback to the Forest Buffer on one of the lots for the development of a “two lot” residential subdivision. |
05-13-1665 | York Road | 101 York Road | July 22, 2013 | | Pending | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact approximately 1.2 acres of Forest Buffer, with the principal structure proposed at or near the 100 year floodplain limit, and further pipe a tributary to Towson Run approximately 125 feet for the redevelopment of a commercial site as a mixed use high rise with underground parking on the banks of Towson Run. |
05-13-1666 | Gough Park | Joppa Road and Honeygo Blvd | July 19, 2013 | July 23, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to allow the subject project to continue to final project approval after May 4, 2013. |
05-13-1682 | Lolly Lane | 5020 Lolly Lane | July 10, 2013 | | Pending | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 2,600 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-13-1674 | Carney Rod and Gun Club | 9827 Hilltop Drive | July 3, 2013 | August 21, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to disturb approximately 83,034 square feet of area. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet there will be no net increase in impervious area. | |
05-13-1663 | Magnolia Stormwater Management Retrofit | South of Intersection of Kilkenny Circle and Torpoint Road | June 28, 2013 | July 19, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to disturb approximately 44,120 square feet of area for a stream restoration project. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet there will be no net increase in impervious area. |
05-13-1647 | Mendoza-Morra Property | 5020 Lolly Lane | May 31, 2013 | June 25, 2013 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact 3,564 square feet of forest buffer and 1,269 square feet of the 35-foot setback for the construction of a single family dwelling and associated lawn. |
05-13-1637 | Magnolia Stormwater Management Retrofit | 8750 Magnolia Road and Parcel 1082 Kilkenny Circle | May 23, 2013 | May 31, 2013 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to remove two specimen trees for the construction of a step-pool stormwater management conveyance system to address severe bank erosion. |
05-13-1633 | Tanner Property | Intersection of Forge Road and Honeygo Blv | May 13, 2013 | May 20, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to allow the subject project to continue to final project approval after May 4, 2013. |
05-13-1627 | Donnybrook Apartments | Burke Ave and Knollwood Roads | May 13, 2013 | May 20, 2013 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to allow the continued use of 66,325 square feet of forest buffer for two apartment buildings, portions of two storage garages, part of Donnybrook Lane, and associated lawn. |
05-13-1625 | Bob Davidson Ford | 1845 East Joppa Road | May 2, 2013 | May 29, 2013 | Approved | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 of the Baltimore County Code (i.e. Forest Conservation Law) of the Baltimore County Code was received to allow afforestation requirements to be based on the 4400 square foot limit of disturbance for constructing an addition to an existing car dealership rather than the entire 7.76-acre property. |
05-13-1611 | Country Club of Maryland - Cart Path | 1101 Stevenson Road | March 29, 2013 | N/A | Pending | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 4,600 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Storm Water Management Fund. |
05-13-1608 | Loyola High School – Promenade Renovations | 518 Chestnut Avenue | March 21, 2013 | March 28, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 2,585 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Storm Water Management Fund. |
05-13-1599 | Donnybrook Apartments | Burke Avenue and Knollwood Road | March 6, 2013 | NA | Pending | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to remove three specimen trees for the construction of a parking lot and stormwater management facility. |
05-13-1596 | Hash Property | 4334 Chapel Road | February 27, 2013 | April 4, 2013 | Partially approved, partially denied | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was approved to reduce 930 square feet of forest buffer for yards associated with two proposed dwellings and a swale and denied to impact 25,700 square feet of forest buffer for active open space and the continued use of a wetland crossing. |
05-13-1606 | Towson Water Transmission Main | 42-Inch Towson Water Transmission Main | February 14, 2013 | April 2, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to disturb approximately 321,949 square feet of area in order to construct a 42-inch Water Transmission Main from Towson pumping station on Hillen Road to Towsontown Boulevard, Bosley Avenue and a 48-inch water at Kenilworth Drive. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet there will be no net increase in impervious area. |
05-13-1585 | Kutlik Property | 10835 Philadelphia Road | February 12, 2013 | NA | Pending | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to permanently impact 5240 square feet of forest buffer associated with basement walkout and a new sidewalk and to permanently impact 48,082 square feet of forest buffer for the continued use of existing parking, sidewalks, patio, septic, lawn, and picnic area. A variance is also requested to reduce the 25-foot setback to the forest buffer to two feet for continued use of lawn. |
05-13-1586 | Kutlik Property | 10835 Philadelphia Road | February 12, 2013 | NA | Pending | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 of the Baltimore County Code (i.e. Forest Conservation Law) of the Baltimore County Code was received to allow afforestation requirements to be based on the 7500 square foot limit of disturbance for constructing a parking lot rather than the entire 2.9-acre property. |
05-13-1600 | Cowenton Avenue | 8814 Cowenton Avenue | February 7, 2013 | March 20, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct/disturb approximately 44,611square feet of area for a temporary stockpile. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet there will be no net increase in impervious area. |
05-12-1569 | Christian Fellowship Center, Incorporated | 12717 Eastern Avenue | December 13, 2012 | January 17, 2013 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to disturb approximately 70,000 square feet of land area. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet, there will be no increase in impervious area. |
05-12-1540 | Old Towson Jail Parking Lot | Northwest corner of Bosley and Towsontowne Avenues | October 11, 2012 | October 16, 2012 | Approved | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 of the Baltimore County Code (i.e. Forest Conservation Law) of the Baltimore County Code was received to allow afforestation requirements to be based on the 0.2-acre limit of disturbance for constructing a parking lot rather than the entire 1.1-acre property. |
05-12-1541 | Carneyland | Parcel 1197, Lots 9-11, 18-31, Harford Road | October 5, 2012-revised application | NA | Pending | DEPS hereby gives notice that a revised variance request in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact approximately 0.5 acre of Forest Buffer including approximately 5,000 square feet of non-tidal wetland, and to reduce the 35-foot principal structure setback to the Forest Buffer on lots two and three for the development of a 3-lot residential subdivision. |
05-12-1536 | Carneyland | Parcel 1197, Lots 9-11, 18-31, Harford Road | September 27, 2012 | NA | Pending | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 of the Baltimore County Code (i.e. Forest Conservation Regulations) was received to remove two specimen trees for the construction of a 3-lot residential subdivision. |
05-12-1543 | Patient First | 950 York Road | September 26, 2012 | October 18, 2012 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 9148 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Storm Water Management Fund. |
05-12-1530 | Kuhn Property (Timothy) | 7928 Westmoreland Avenue | September 13, 2012 | September 21, 2012 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 1307 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Storm Water Management Fund. |
05-12-1532 | D & L Window Tinting | 10815 Pulaski Highway | September 18, 2012 | September 27, 2012 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 8,897 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Storm Water Management Fund. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet, there will be no net increase in impervious area. |
05-12-1527 | Forge Road Property | 5300 Forge Road | September 10, 2012 | October 1, 2012 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to remove one specimen tree for the construction of a replacement dwelling. |
05-12-1526 | Forge Road Property | 5300 Forge Road | September 10, 2012 | NA | Pending | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to remove one specimen tree for the construction of a replacement dwelling. |
05-12-1491 | Harford Road 12" Water Main Replacement | From Joppa Road to Knoll Acres Road | June 5, 2012 | June 22,2012 | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to disturb approximately 52,315 square feet of impervious area. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet there will be no net increase in impervious area. |
05-12-1474 | Brightview Perry Hall | 9655/9651 Belair Road | May 8, 2012 | May 8, 2012 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to permanently impact 32,260 square feet of forest buffer associated with a stormwater management facility, including 7,202 square feet of emergent nontidal wetlands and 3,211 square feet of scrub-shrub wetlands, for the construction of a new building. |
05-12-1467 | Thomasland-Schadie Property | 10926 and 11038 Red Lion Road
| April 20, 2012 | April 25, 2012 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to remove twenty-two specimen trees for roads and construction of a commercial development. |
05-12-1459 | Royal Farms | 9620 Belair Road | March 23, 2012 | April 10, 2012 | Approved | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to base forest conservation requirements on the 51,794 square feet limit of disturbance instead of the 6.07 acre site for the purpose of redeveloping a commercial property. |
05-12-1468 | Vecchioni Property | 4204 Raab Avenue | March 21, 2012 | N/A | Approved | DEPS gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 2,950 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-12-1457 | Thomasland-Schadie Property | 10926 and 11038 Red Lion Road | March 20, 2012 | May 7, 2012 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received for the continued use of 4,340 square feet of forest buffer for an existing building. |
05-11-1279 | East Pulaski Highway, LLC Property | 10300 Pulaski Highway | February 17, 2011 | NA | Pending | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-112 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to base afforestation requirements outlined in Section 33-6-111 on the limit of disturbance for the project in lieu of the entire site for the purpose of filling in an existing sand and gravel pit operations pond. |
05-11-1280 | Daniel Property | 8630 Silver Lake Drive | February 16, 2011 | NA | Pending | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 of the Baltimore County Code of the (i.e. Forest Conservation Regulations) was received to impact one specimen tree for the purpose of providing access to two proposed lots. |
05-11-1271 | Phan Property | 5660 Gunpowder Rd | February 7, 2011 | N/A | Pending | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-106 of the Baltimore County Code of the (i.e. Forest Buffer Regulations) was requested to allow the continued use of 740 square feet in the forest buffer for a pool house and yard. |
05-11-1267 | Cromwell Nursing Center Expansion | 8710 Emge Rd | January 31, 2011 | February 3, 2011 | Approved | DEPS hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 of the Baltimore County Code of the (i.e. Forest Conservation Regulations) was received to base afforestation requirements outlined in Section 33-6-111 on the limit of disturbance for the project in lieu of the entire site for the purpose of expanding the parking lot. |
05-10-1253 | Shanti Lane Property | 4903 Shanti Lane | December 29, 2010 | NA | Pending | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact approximately 7,470 square feet of Forest Buffer for a proposed dwelling and associated yard. |
05-10-1252 | Maryland EyeCare | 8625 Pleasant Plains Rd | December 29, 2010 | January 25, 2011 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to apply forest conservation requirements based on the limits of disturbance for the purpose of converting an existing automotive service building into a medical office. |
05-10-1246 | East Pulaski Highway, LLC Property | 10300 Pulaski Highway | December 17, 2010 | February 3, 2011 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to postpone the determination of the forest buffer to fill in an existing sand and gravel pit operations pond. |
05-10-1257 | AT&T; FT Cable Project | Pulaski Hwy Station 206+20 to 484+75 | December 16, 2010 | January 11, 2011 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection & Sustainability gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to disturb approximately 11,710 square feet of impervious area. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet there will be no net increase in impervious area. |
05-10-1242 | Sheppard Pratt | Charles St | November 29, 2010 | December 15, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact approximately 3,850 square feet of existing Forest Buffer Easement for the continued use of the lawn around the historic gatehouse. |
05-10-1238 | MLS Developing, LLC | N/S Hill Avenue and Mountain Avenue | November 12, 2010 | November 17, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance request in accordance with 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to allow the removal of one specimen tree for the purpose of constructing a single family dwelling. |
05-10-1231 | East Pennsylvania Avenue 12� Water Main | Intersection of East Pennsylvania Ave. & Joppa Rd. | October 18, 2010 | November 10, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection & Resource Management gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct/disturb approximately 18,000 square feet of impervious area. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet there will be no net increase in impervious area. |
05-10-1185 | Holly Hill Nursing Home Property | 531 Stevenson Lane | August 20, 2010 | August 30, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 of the Baltimore County Code (Forest Conservation) was received to impact 3 specimen trees in order to construct an addition onto an existing nursing home. |
05-10-1186 | Workmeister Properties LLC (a.k.a. Peter Trionfo Property) | 11145 Red Lion Road | August 19, 2010 | NA | Pending | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact approximately 1700 square feet of Forest Buffer for an existing contractor'yard. |
05-10-1194 | Bird River DMP Wetland Mitigation Project | Intersection Loreley Beach Rd. and Bowerman Rd. | August 18, 2010 | September 15,2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore county Code was received to construct/distribute approximately 58,101 square feet of impervious area. Although the disturbed area is in excess of 5,000 square feet there will be no increase in impervious area. |
05-10-1173 | New Forge Road Extension | Lipscomb Way to Allender Road | July 30,2010 | August 3, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection & Resource Management gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 44,431 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-10-1160 | Holly Hill Nursing Home | 531 Stevenson Lane | June 29, 2010 | N/A | Pending | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance request in accordance with 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to allow the removal of six specimen trees for the purpose of expanding the existing Holly Hill nursing home. |
05-10-1147 | Freestate Indoor Sports Arena | 5811 Allender Rd | June 7, 2010 | June 18, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to apply forest conservation requirements based on the limits of disturbance for the purpose of building an indoor arena and removing an existing building and part of a parking lot. |
05-10-1121 | Boutwell Property Minor Subdivision | 18426 Falls Rd | April 29, 2010 | May 3, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection & Resource Management gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 7,850 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-10-1127 | Sommer Property | 9716 Belair Rd | April 23, 2010 | May 5, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to reduce the forest buffer and associated setback for the construction of an addition. |
05-10-1119 | McDonalds Restaurant | 2107 E. Joppa Road | April 21, 2010 | May 6, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection & Resource Management gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 3,171 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-10-1110 | Huber Property | 11956 Philadelphia Rd | April 14, 2010 | June 1, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to reduce the expanded buffer through the establishment of good vegetative cover for future development. |
05-10-1154 | MLS Developing LLC Property | North side of Hill Avenue | April 8, 2010 | November 16, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to reduce the forest buffer through the establishment of good vegetative cover for future development. |
Perry Hall Elementary School Parking | Joppa Road | April 8, 2010 | May 4, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection & Resource Management gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 8854 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. | |
05-10-1132 | Providence Rd Bus Facility | Providence Rd and I-695 | April 7, 2010 | May 12, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to apply forest conservation requirements based on the limits of disturbance for the purpose of adding a maintenance building and improving the existing parking lot. |
05-10-1100 | Cardiff Hall Apartments | York and Aigburth Rds | April 1, 2010 | April 28, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was approved to apply forest conservation requirements based on the limits of disturbance for the purpose of expanding an existing parking lot, relocating a trash bin area, and adding pervious pavers and landscaping. |
05-10-1086 | Pleasant Plains Elementary School | 8300 Fernside Rd | March 30, 2010 | May 28, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to apply forest conservation requirements based on the limits of disturbance for the purpose of constructing a new parking lot and entrance and replacing existing sidewalks, bus lane, and parking lot. |
05-10-1085 | Wang Property | 9828 Magledt Rd | March 30, 2010 | NA | Pending | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section 33-3-106 (Forest Buffer) of the Baltimore County Code was received to impact 900 square feet of the 35-foot setback to the Forest Buffer area for an existing barn and residence. |
05-10-1082 | KOL Investment Property | 8635 & 8637 Silverlake Drive | March 29, 2010 | April 1, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection & Resource Management gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 7405 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-10-1081 | YMCA of Central Maryland | 600 W Chesapeake Ave | March 29, 2010 | April 28, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance request in accordance with 33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to allow the removal of five specimen trees for the purpose of expanding the existing YMCA facility. |
05-10-1054 | Allender Road | 5737 Allender Road | March 9, 2010 | March 10, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was approved to calculate forest conservation requirements using a floodplain elevation based upon the presence of an existing box culvert and installation of a SWM facility, instead of using a floodplain elevation based upon the absence of the culvert and SWM facility. |
05-10-1044 | Perry Hall Elementary School | 9021 Belair Rd | March 2, 2010 | March 30, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management hereby gives notice that a variance in accordance with Section33-6-116 (Forest Conservation) of the Baltimore County Code was received to apply forest conservation requirements based on the limits of disturbance for the purpose of expanding the existing parking lot and sidewalk. |
05-10-1028 | Towsontown Blvd. Improvements | Towsontown Blvd. @ Osler Drive | February 5, 2010 | February 19, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection & Resource Management gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 25,265 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |
05-10-1029 | Edenwald Apartment Tower | 800 Southerly Road | January 20, 2010 | March 4, 2010 | Approved | The Department of Environmental Protection & Resource Management gives notice that a variance request in accordance with Section 33-4-113 of the Baltimore County Code was received to construct approximately 2,300 square feet of impervious area with a payment to the Stormwater Management Fund. |