License Location Hearings

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

First Councilmanic District

None in this cycle.

Second Councilmanic District

None in this cycle.

Third Councilmanic District

None in this cycle.

Fourth Councilmanic District

None in this cycle.

Fifth Councilmanic District

None in this cycle.

Sixth Councilmanic District

Applicant(s):Robert DiPasquale, Angela Knox Personal Representative, Robert DiPasquale Personal Representative, Anna Marie Personal Representative

$750 fine, suspend $500, $250 payable in 30 days

Business Name:G.L.M., Inc.
Trading As:Excape Lounge
Location:10025 Pulaski Highway

Election District, Inspector:

(15) Cressotti
License Class, Time:D(BWL), 1:00 p.m.
Hearing Type:Show Cause
Attorney:David F. Mister Esquire
Remarks:Hearing to Show Cause Why License Should Not Be Suspended or Revoked Due to Alleged Violations. Article 2B-Annotated Code of Maryland
Section 13-2101 Application of general provision
Rules and regulations of the Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore County.
Rule 2d- Prohibited Practices

Seventh Councilmanic District

None in this cycle.