Issue 5-049, Franklinville Mill

Petitioner: Council
Owner: AXIL, Corp.
Map grid: 055B3/055C3
Growth Tier: 4
Elementary School: Kingsville
Middle School: Perry Hall
High School: Perry Hall

Planning Board
RC8 4.69aRC8 4.69aRC8 4.69aRC8 4.69aRC7 4.69a

Zoning history

CZMP 2008, Issue 3-080 changed from MH to RC8

Nearby zoning

Aerial Photo


The Franklinville Mill, which was listed on the Baltimore County Landmarks List, was demolished several years ago, with Landmarks Commission approval. No plan could be found to save it, partially because of the restrictive RC8 zoning placed on it in 2008. The Growth Tier 4 placed on this land now prevents any major subdivision (over 3 lots) regardless of the zoning. The RC8 zoning prohibits any subdivision.


The zoning should be changed to allow an appropriate use that would be consistent with the nearby village of Franklinville. RC5 (which it was before 2008) would be appropriate and would allow the construction of 2 residences. (It may actually allow 4, since there are 3 parcels.) While it might be best if the state purchased it and added it to the Gunpowder Falls State Park, that is unlikely due to the remaining expense to clean it up. It appears that only a developer would have the incentive to spend the kind of money that would be needed to do this. Any development would come with further mitigation of pollution and adequate protection of the river, and would certainly eliminate an eye-sore.