Issue 5-059 Bluestone Rd

Petitioner: Council
Owner: Kingsmill Development, LLC
Map grid:
Growth Tier:
Elementary School: Kingsville
Middle School: Perry Hall
High School: Perry Hall

Planning Board
RC5 5.4aRC7 5.4aRC5 5.4aRC5 5.4aRC7 5.4a

Zoning history

See Plat 79:514 and Plat 78:92

Nearby zoning


The issue consists of 2 parcels: the first (on the east) is dedicated for a stormwater management facility (plat 78:92), therefore can never be built on regardless of the zoning. The second, on the west is owned by the Homeowners Association and most is designated as floodplain, wetland, and forest conservation easement (Plat 79:514), thus no building should be allowed.