RFP P-233 Copy from County Procurement list on May 31, 2019 (and reformatted and augmented).
Title: Solar Energy, Various Locations
- RFP P-233 (PDF)
- Attachment A (Excel) rooftop facilities
- Attachment B (PDF) - maps of park and landfill areas to be assessed for ground-mount
- Amendment 1 (PDF) - minority business requirements
- Amendment 2 (PDF) - sign-in sheet from April 10, 2019 meeting
- Amendment 3 (PDF) - sign-in sheets from site visits April 15, 16, 17, 18
- Amendment 4 (PDF) - changed bid due date to May 24
- Amendment 5 (PDF) - list of parks acquired with Program Open Space funds
- Amendment 6 (PDF) - changed due date to June 18
- Amendment 7 (PDF) - changed due date to July 2, removed 2 parks
Description: Baltimore County is interested in a solar energy power purchase agreement for various locations throughout Baltimore County.
REVISED Bid Due Date/Time: 06/18/19, 2:15 p.m.
Mandatory Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference:04/10/19 1 p.m., Historic Courthouse, Purchasing Division, 400 Washington Avenue, Room 148, Towson, MD 21204
Mandatory Site Visits: See General Conditions, Section 9 for Dates and Times
There is a 20% MBE/WBE goal for this solicitation.
Buyer: Rosetta Butler, 410-887-4637, rbutler@baltimorecountymd.gov
Updated 12 June 2019