Community Issues - Solar Power

Solar Power

In the battle against global warming, solar power provides one of the best tools, since it essentially directly captures the heat of the sun and turns it into electricity. However, it requires large solar arrays, whether on roofs or in open fields. Around Kingsville, one sees more and more roof-mounted systems. We now have one medium-sized ground-mounted array installed by SGC Power at the end of Pfeffers Rd adjacent to I-95, installed on land that George Majchrzak purchased back in 2011, maybe with this intention. According to information at the required zoning hearing, it produces 2.1 MegaWatts and takes up about 6 acres. SGC Power had previously installed a system at Glen Meadows Retirement community on Glen Arm Rd (apparently without the need for a hearing) that also takes up about 4.4 acres.

On August 29, 2016, it was announced by County Executive Kevin Kamenetz that the county would install 4 systems around the County with a total of 21 MegaWatts of capacity. One would have been on "unused portions" of Mt Vista Park. It was unclear whether County officials consulted with the community before announcing these plans. It appears not.

See also Baltimore Sun article.

The plan fell through and was abandoned.

Now it's been revealed in the Sun article that the County is making new plans for solar systems at parks and government buildings. It uses the four areas in the previous plan, so still includes green areas of Mt. Vista Park rather then its parking lot. Do we once again get a plan shoved down our throats without any citizen input? More information available here.

Update: The Baltimore Sun reported on June 12, 2019 that Mt. Vista Park has been removed from the plan.

For more information on the solar array controversy in Baltimore County, go here.

Updated 12 June 2019