Community Issues - Special Laws

Bill 30-19, RC-3 Zones

Sponsor: Bevins
Benefitted: Marie McBride

This is one of the stupidest bills yet! While repeating the statement that RC-3 zoning is only allowed outside the URDL, it then describes how dwellings may be built on RC-3 inside the URDL as if they were DR 10.5. There are, in fact, two areas incorrectly zoned RC-3 inside the URDL: one near the intersection of 43 and 40, being owned by BGE for a major substation and poer lines and one along Ebenezer Rd owned by Marie McBride and certainly appropriate for development. In fact, part is already build with houses. These areas of incorrect zoning are obviously due to some long-past mistake in the Zoning process. They were this way in 2000.

Rather than proposing this bad legislation, the sponsor should put this in as a CZMP issue this fall.

The Bill was withdrawn before the June 25 Work Session.

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Updated 25 June 2019 by MAP