Intersection at Kingsville Triangle
Back in 2005, in spite of opposition from community members, the SHA went ahead with its plan to construct a "jug-handle" at the intersection of Belair Rd, Jerusalem Rd, and Bradshaw Rd. The SHA was asked to examine alternate plans, including the rerouting of Sunshine Ave and Bradshaw to go through the triangle and the old State Highway garage property. This was one of the possible plans suggested by the SHA back in the 80's. The original plan proposed in 1997 called for the new Sunshine Ave to go through the old SHA garage, empty at the time. Unfortunately, instead of using the old SHA garage property for this purpose, SHA auctioned it off.
That 1997 proposed route (slightly modified), with the closing of some existing roads, can be seen by moving your cursor over the aerial photo on the right. The update moves the new Sunshine Ave to the east of the original 1997 proposal, thus preserving the old SHA garage which could then be used for an appropriate commercial use under the RO zoning, while the new road alignment would remove a portion of the junk yard behind JSI, thus getting rid of that eyesore.
This plan also creates a parking lot for JSI's parking to the rear that is safer to access (where the current site plan already says that it should be) and reserves a paved driveway in front only for access to and from the service bays. The rest of the area in front would be landscaped. Imagine that!
It also provides a landscaped area in front of G&M;, instead of the current parking, which their approved site plan does not allow anyway. Most importantly, it eliminates the connection of the end of Jerusalem Road to Belair Rd, a very dangerous intersection at present.
Of course, this plan, with new parking lots for JSI, as well as safer access to G&M;'s parking lot, would require the cooperation of the property owners and Code Enforcement so that these areas don't just turn into new junk yards or illegal parking areas.
Move your cursor over the aerial photo to show the proposed route and new green areas.
The one main problem yet to be solved in this plan is the connection of Jerusalem with Bradshaw. The continuing use of a 4-way stop at this point is bad! Some kind of rerouting of Jerusalem Rd to come directly out to Belair Rd would be preferable.
Current traffic situation